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Meeting Committee Chairs:
David Corey, PhD
UT Southwestern Medical School
Masad Damha, PhD, FCIC
McGill University
Laura Sepp-Lorenzino, PhD
Intellia Therapeutics
Committee Members:
Jathavan Asohan, PhD Candidate
McGill University
Isabel Aznarez, PhD
Stoke Therapeutics
Steven Dowdy, Ph.D
Professor, UCSD School of Medicine
Hassan Fakih, PhD
UMass Chan Medical School / RTI
Richard Geary, PhD
Ionis Pharmaceuticals
Jonathan Hall, PhD
ETH Zürich
Maja Janas, PhD, DABT
Alnylam Pharmaceuticals
Art Krieg, MD
UMASS Chan Medical School
Eva-Maria Manz, PhD Candidate
ETH Zürich
Rebecca Miles, PhD
CEO, ReiNA Consulting LLC
Marie Wikström Lindholm, Ph.D
Silence Therapetuics
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